Sunday, February 28, 2010


Sunday, February 28, 2010 0 comments


Sa Eva Salguruh Saakshaal, Sadasad Brahma Vithamah

Tasya Sthaanaani Sarvaani, Pavitraani Na Samshayah

He only is the noble Guru, who knows the real, and the unreal, and the Brahman. All abodes of that Guru, without doubt, are virtuous.

Samudrevai Yadhaatoyam, Ksheere Ksheeram Jale Jalam

Bhinnekam Bhe Yadha Akaasam, Tadaatma Paramaatmani

Water only exists in the ocean, milk in milk, water in water, and the very sky only manifests as many. Soul also has similar existence in the supreme god.

Tadhaiva gyaanavaan Jeevah, Paramaatmani Sarvadha

Aikyena Ramate Gyaani, Yatrakutra Divaanisham

So too, the enlightened soul ever exists in the supreme god, and always rejoices in the supreme god, irrespective of the time and place.

Saamyena Ramate Gyaani, Diva Va Yadi Vaa Nishi

Evam Vidho Mahaa Mauni, Trailokya Samataam Vrajel

The enlightened soul rejoices with equipoise, whether it is day or night. Similarly, the subdued one shall ascend tranquillity of the three worlds.

Gurur Devo Gurur Dharmo, Gurau Nishtaa Param Tapah

Guroh Parataram Naasthi, Trivaaram Kadhayaami Te

Guru is God. Guru only is Dharma. There is no greater penance than the submission and devotion to Guru. I swear this to you repeating three times.

Dhanyaa Maata Pita Dhayno, Gotram Dhanyam Kulo bhavah

Dhanyaa Cha Vasudhaa Devi, Yatra Syaal Guru Bhaktitah

Oh, Goddess! That mother is blessed, that father is blessed, blessed is that lineage and clan, blessed also is that mother earth, wherever there is a soul devoted to Guru.

Vidyaa Dhanam Balam Chaiva, Teshaam Bhaagyam Nirarthakam

Yeshaam Guru Kripa Naasthi, Adhogachati Paarvati!

Oh, Parvati! Those who are blessed with knowledge, wealth and power, their fortune become meaningless without Guru; if there is no grace of Guru on them, they descend to the lowest.

Abhakte Vanchake Dhoorte, Paashandde Naasthikaadishu

Manassaapi Na Vaktavyah, Guru Gita Kadaachana

Guru Gita should never be narrated even in imagination among those who are irreverent, deceitful, wastrel, unchaste and infidel.

Guravo Bahavah Santhi, Shishya Vithaapahaarkah

Tamekam Durlabham Manye, Shishya Hritaapa Haarakam

There are plenty of Gurus who grab the wealth of the disciples. But a Guru is very rare who removes the sufferings from the soul of a disciple.

Chaaturyavaan Vivekeescha, Adhyaatma Gyaanavaan Shucheeh

Maanasam Nirmalam Yasya, Gurutwam Tasya Shobhate

Guru-hood glitters in one who is accomplished, discriminative and virtuous. Guru-hood shines in a master of self-knowledge and who is of sinless mind.

Guravo Nirmalah Shaantah, Sadaiva Mita Bhaashinah

Kaama Krodha Vinirmuktaah, Sadaachaara Jitendriyah

Gurus are virtuous, serene and renounced. They are not talkative and are free from the emotions of desire and anger. Gurus are of spotless character and are masters of the senses.

Soojakaadi Prabhedena, Guravo Bahudhaa Smritaah

Swayam Samyak Pareekshyadhaa, Tatwa Nishtaam Bhajel Sudheeh

Gurus are known by various classifications such as 'Soojaka'. The intelligent aspirant should examine them well on his own and worship only that Guru who is established in the truth of self-knowledge.

Varnajaala Midam Tadwan, Bahushaastramtu Laukikam

Yasmin Devi! Samaabhyastam, Sah Guru Soojaka Smritah

Oh, Goddess! A person, who has mastered several worldly sciences and articulates them in beautiful language, such a Guru is called 'Soojaka'.

Varnaashramochitam Vidyaam, Dharmaadharma Vidhaayinim

Pravaktaaram Gurum Vidhih, Vaachakam Twiti Paarvati!

Oh, Parvati! Please know, one who authoritatively discourses about the duties that are laid out according to the divisions of caste and ones' station in life, is called 'Vachaka'.

Panchaaksharyaadi Mantraanaam, Upadeshtatu Paarvati

Saguroor bhodhako Bhooya, Ubhayorayam uthamam

Oh, Parvati! The initiator of mantras, such as' Aum Nama Shivaya', is called 'Bodhaka'. He is higher than the two mentioned above.

Moha Maarana Vashyaadi, Tucha Mantropadeshinam

Nishidha Gururityaahu, Panditah Tatwa Darshinah

The initiators of base mantras for the purpose of seduction, exorcism etc. are called forbidden Gurus by wise men of truth.

Anityamiti Nirdhishya, Samsaaram Sankataalayam

Vairaagya Padadarsheeyah, Sagurur Vihitah Priye!

Oh, Dear one! The Guru who depicts the world, which is the abode of all sorrows, as finite and indicates the path of renunciation, is called 'Vihita'.

Tatwamasyaadi Vaakyaanaam, Upadeshtah Tu Paarvati!

Kaaranaakyah Guru Prokhto, Bhavaroga Nivaarakah

Oh, Parvati! The Guru who is the preceptor of principles like 'Tat Twam Asi' (You Are That) and remover of temporal delusion, is called 'Karanakhya'.

Sarva Sandeha Sandoha, Nirmoolana Vichakshanah

Janma Mrityu Bhayaghnoyah, Saguruh Paramomatah

The person who is adept in destroying all doubts root and stock, and saves one from the fear of death and births, is known as the Parama Guru (Supreme Guru).

Bahu Janma Kritaal punyaat, Labhyate Asau Mahaa Guruh,

Labdwa Tanna Punaryaati, Shishya Samsaara Bandhanam

One gets such a Supreme Guru after doing meritorious actions spanning several births. After getting such a Guru, the disciple does not go again to the worldly bondage.

Evam Bahuvidhaa Loke, Gurava Santhi Paarvati!

Teshta Sarva Prayatnena, Sevyohi Paramo Guruh

Oh, Parvati! There reside several Gurus like this in the world. Among them, the Supreme Guru should be served with all efforts.

Jalaanaam Saagaro Raaja, Yadhaa Bhavati Paarvati!

Guroonaam Tatra Sarveshaam, Raajayaam Paramo Guruh

Oh, Parvati! Just as the ocean is the king of all waters, the Supreme Guru is the emperor of all gurus.

Mohaadi Rahita Shaanto, Nitya Tripto Niraashrayah

Trineekrita Brahma Vishnu, Vaibhavah Paramo Guruh

One who is devoid of all delusions and sorrows, calm and eternally satisfied, without any supports, and who wields incomparable power that makes naught the power of Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara, is called the Supreme Guru.

Sarvakaala Videsheshu, Swatantro Nischala Sukhee

Akhantaika Rasaaswaada, Tripto Hi Paramo Guruh

Unfettered, unruffled and blissful is the Supreme Guru, at all times and in distant lands. Supreme Guru enjoys ever the nectar of undivided bliss.

Dwaida Adwaita Vinirmukhtah, Swaanubhooti Prakaashavaan

Agyaana Andhatamah Scheta, Sarvagya Paramo Guru

Supreme Guru is free from the principle of dualism and non-dualism and radiates the bliss of Brahman. Supreme Guru is destroyer of the thick darkness of ignorance and the wielder of all wisdom.

Yasya Darshana Maatrena, Manasah Syal Prasannata

Swayam Bhooyal Driti Shaantih, Sah Bhavel Paramo Guruh

By whose sight alone, mind becomes pleasant and intellect tranquil on its own, he is known as the Supreme Guru.

Sidhi Jaalam Samaalokya, Yogeenam Mantra Vaadinaam

Tuchakara Mano Vrithirisya Asau Paramo Guruh

Supreme Guru is who, observing the performance of miracles etc. and attractions of Yogis and others, considers them as fickleness of mind.

Swa Shareeram Shavam Pashyan, Tadhaa Swaatmaanam Adwayam

Yah Stree Kanaka Mohasghnah, Sabhavel Paramo Guruh

The Guru, who perceives his body as inert, and own self as immutable, and who cuts asunder the desire for woman and wealth, is called the Supreme Guru.

Maunee Vaagmeeti Tatwagno, Dwidhaabhu Chrunu Paarvati!

N Kaschil Mauneenaam Lobho, Lokeasmin Bhavati Priye!

Oh, Parvati! In this world, there are two types of seers, the silent and the orator, about whom you shall listen. Oh, Dear! The silent seer has no desire in this world.

Vaagmeerulkata Samsaara, Saagarothaarana Kshamah

Yato Asau Samshaya Chhetta, Shaastra Yuktya Anubhootibhih

The orator seer is the saviour of man from the fierce mundane ocean, and dissector of all doubts through the wisdom of science, logic and experience.

Kulam Dhanam Balam Shaastram, Baandhava Sodara Ime

Marane Nopa Yujyante, Gururekohi Taarakah

At the time of death, wealth, power, knowledge of sciences, ancestry and kith and kin, these will not be of any help. Only Guru can take you to the other shore of death.

Kulameva pavitram Syaal, Satyam Swaguru Sevaya

Triptaah Syu Kula Devaah, Brahmaadhya Guru Tarpanaal

By the truthful service to ones' own Guru, that family indeed gets purified of all sins. The worship of Guru satiates the family gods also, such as Brahma and Vishnu.

Gururekohi Jaanaati, Swarupam Daiva Mavyayam

Tad Gyaanam Yal Prasaadena, Naanyadha Shaastra Kotibhih

Guru only knows the immutable form of the Supreme. That knowledge is gained through the grace of Guru and not through millions of doctrines.

Shivam Kechid Dharam Kechit, Vidhim Kechithu Kechana

Shaktim Dwaivamiti Gyaatwa, Vivadanti Vridhaa Naraah

Some conceive God as Shiva, some as Vishnu, some as Brahma and still some as Goddess. People thus discourse about this in futile.

Na Jaananti Param Tatwam, Guru Deeksha Paraang Mukhaah

Bhraantah Pashu Samaahyete, Swa Parigyaana Varjitaah

These distracted men, like animals are devoid of the knowledge of own self. Those who are indifferent to the teaching of Guru do not know the supreme truth.

Dussangancha Parityajya, Paapa Karmam Parityajel

Chitha Chinhamidam Yasya, Tasya Deeksha Vidheeyate

Abandoning the company of evil people, and saving oneself from wrong actions, the mind of a man attains purity. Such a purified soul deserves initiation from Guru.

Chitta Tyaaga Niyuktaascha, Krodha Garva Vivarjitah

Dwaita Bhaava Parityaagee, Tasya Deeksha Vidheeyate

One who has discarded the mind full of desires and is perfect without anger, conceit and devoid of duel approach, such a purified soul deserves initiation from Guru.

Etal Lakshana Yuktatwam, Sarva Bhoota Hite Rataam

Nirmalam Jeevitam Yasya, Tasya Deeksha Vidheeyate

Those who have the qualities described above, and who live for the welfare of all beings, such men of purified life deserve initiation from Guru.

Shruti Saara Midam Devi!, Sarvamuktam Samaasatah

Naanyadha Salgati Pumsaam, Vinaa Guru Padam Shive!

Oh, Goddess! I have disclosed everything in brief, which is the sum and substance of Vedas. Oh, Wife, there is no other noble course for men than the abode of Guru.

Nityaaya Satyaaya Chidaatmakaaya, Navyaaya Bhavyaaya Paraalparaaya

Shudhaaya Budhaaya Niranjanaaya, Namosthu Nityam Guru Shekharaaya

Praise to the everlasting, truthful, blissful Guru. Praise to the undefiled, noble, highest Guru. Praise ever to the emperor Guru, who is immaculate and in the form of intelligence and bliss.

Evamukthwa Mahaadevah, Paarvatim Punarabhraveet

Idameva Param Tatwam, Shrunu Devi! Sukhaavaham

After speaking thus to Parvati, Shiva again said. Oh Goddess! Please listen. This is the greatest truth and is the delightful.

Yasya Prasaadaad Ahameva Sarvam, Mayyeva Sarvam Parikalpitam Cha

Itham Vijaanaami Sadaatma Ruupam, Tasyamghri Pancham Pranatosmi Nityam

I constantly adore the lotus feet of Guru, by whose grace I know all this as me, and established in me, and thus know the nature of the Supreme Self.

Agyaana Timiraandhasya, Vishayaakraanta Chetasah

Gyaana Prabha Pradaanena, Prasaadam Kurume Prabho!

Oh Lord! I am suffering from the disease of blindness due to ignorance and am overpowered by many desires. Please have mercy on me by kindling the light of knowledge.

In the Guru Gita 3rd Chapter concluded.

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