Saturday, January 23, 2010


Saturday, January 23, 2010 0 comments


Gukaarashcha Andhakaarohi, Rukaarah Teja Uchyate
Agyaana Graasakam Brahma, Gurureva Na Samshayah

The syllable 'Gu' means darkness and the syllable 'Ru' is called light. There is no doubt that Guru is the Supreme God who destroys ignorance.

Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu,Gurur Devo Maheshwarah

Gurureva Param Brahma,Tasmai Sree Gurave Namah

Guru is Brahma (the god of creation), Guru is Vishnu (the god of sustenance), Guru is the god Shiva (the god of annihilation), and Guru verily is the Supreme God. My salutations to that auspicious Guru!

Ekah Eva Paro Bandhuh, Vishame Samupasthite

Guru Sakala Dharmaatma, Tasmai Shree Guruve Namah

In the time of distress, there is indeed only one greatest friend, i.e. Guru, who exists as righteousness in all beings. My salutations to that auspicious Guru!

Taapatrayaagni Taptaanaam, Ashaanta Praaninaam Bhuvih

Gurureva Paraa Gangaa, Tasmai Shree Gurave Namah

For those tormented souls, who burn in the fire of threefold suffering- spiritual, temporal and destiny - Guru only is the supreme Ganges. My salutations to that auspicious Guru!

Shiverushte Gurustraata, Guraurushte Na Kashchanah

Labdwa Kulagurum Samyag, Gurumeva Samaashrayel

In the case of Shiva’s wrath, Guru is the savior. In the case of Guru’s wrath, there is no savior. Finding the Guru of human race, one should completely take refuge in Guru only.

Madhu Alabdho Yadhaa Bhringah, Pushpaal Pushpaantaram Vrijel

Gyaanalabdhah Tadhaa Shishyo, Guror Gurvaantaram Vrijel

Like the bee, not getting honey travels from flower to flower, so also a spiritual aspirant should seek Guru after Guru to gain divine knowledge.

Shri Guroh Paramam Ruupam, Vivekam Chakshuragratah

Manda Bhaagyaah Na Pashyanti, Andhaah Suryodayam Yadhaa

The unfortunate men do not see in front of their eyes the auspicious and supreme form of Guru with discrimination, just as the blind do not see the sunrise.

Abhyastai Kimu Deerghakala Vimalair, Vyaadhi Pradai Dushkaraih

Praanaayaama Shadaih Aneka Karanaih, Dukhaatmakai Durjayaih

Yasminnabhyutate Vinashyati Balee Vaayuh, Swayam Tatkshanaal

Praaptam Tat Sahaja Swabhaavam anisham, Sevetamekam Gurum

What with practices like Pranayama and several hundreds of other means that cleanse the soul prolonged, that produce afflictions, that are strenuous, miserable and unconquerable? On whose ascendance, the uncontrollable life force immediately becomes subdued on its own, only that Guru, who has attained the ever abiding form, should always be served.

Yagnino Na Mukhtaasyuh, Na Mukhtaah Yoginasthadhaa

Tapasa Apino Yukhtaah, Guru Tatwaal Paraang Mukhaah

Performers of the fire ritual are not liberated, likewise are the Yogis not liberated. Even though imbued with austerity, they are not liberated due to their apathy to the truth of Guru.

Namukhtaastu Gandharvaah, Pitru Yakshaastu Chaaranaah

Rishaya Sidha Devaadyaah, Guru Sevat Paraang Mukhaah

Gandharvas, Manes, Yakshas in the astral world, and Rishies, Sidhas and Gods are not liberated due to their indifference towards the service of Guru.

In the Guru Geeta 1st Chapter concluded

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